
How to get more PR for your business (and why you need it!)

by | May 30, 2024 | Pay Per Interview, Publicity

Woman reading a magazine and man reading a newspaper on couch.

While there are strong benefits to every promotional strategy, PR is the gold standard because media stories are perceived as authentic. They provide buyers with credible, third-party information. Good PR can raise buyer’s awareness of your brand, and trust in your business.

As product promotional experts for 35-plus years, Media Relations Agency has arranged tens of thousands of media stories. We have good relationships with the media. And we know how the media work. It comes down to two things: 

  • Being able to clearly communicate to reporters what their audiences will want to know about a product or service. To accomplish this, you must know who is most likely to buy. You must also understand their strongest purchase motivation(s).  
  • Knowing how to anticipate reporters’ and producers’ needs, and how to make their jobs easier. This may include preparing such components as a featurized press release, selecting the right images and providing interview coordination (the latter is especially essential for TV segments). 

If you don’t have in-house PR skills, it’s smart to hire an experienced PR agency. Every missed media opportunity could be snapped up by your competition.

Here’s another way to stack the odds in your favor 

Securing valuable media coverage requires more than having the right media contacts and materials. It’s also crucial to have a high-quality website. 

Most reporters will look at your website before deciding whether to do a story. If your website doesn’t function well, or if it’s overly promotional and lacking useful, trustworthy content, it will be significantly more difficult to get good PR. 

Every good website should also have a News section where you post past media coverage. Media stories build trust with other news organizations as well as your potential buyers! If you don’t yet have media coverage to post, Media Relations Agency can help you jumpstart the process.

Are you ready to get more PR for your business? 

Securing ongoing PR requires very specific skills. Some media opportunities may also be time sensitive, which may divert your attention from your other responsibilities. The best option is to hire an experienced product PR agency. Our professional team will collaborate with you every step of the way. 

Use this form or call us at 952-697-5269 to start using the media to build your business.

Written by Heather Champine

Written by Heather Champine

Heather is a multi-faceted leader. She’s part marketing strategist, part consumer psychologist and part motivational cheerleader. “I love understanding what drives people to take action, especially when it involves getting the media to run stories about our clients,” she says. With more than 25 years of experience, she has the keen understanding and insight to know how to run an integrated campaign and what it takes for our clients’ stories to become the news. She enjoys leading campaigns for complex industries such as medical devices and technologies, as well as fun industries such as hair salons. She thrives on pursuing creative ways to educate consumers about clients’ products, and ultimately inspiring them to buy. “I appreciate becoming a part of each client’s marketing team. I cherish the long-lasting relationships, and successful marketing programs we have created together.” Heather also finds joy in her daily collaborations as part of our creative team. “I am grateful to work with publicists, writers, designers and other marketing experts, all enjoying what they do because they are using their God-given strengths. Our publicists have great instincts because they all have media backgrounds. When things get hectic, it’s often Heather who cracks the first joke. “We encourage people to be a little goofy and unique. Some of the best ideas and solutions emerge because we know how to have fun,” she grins. “I may say something like, “Remember this is PR not the ER. Now, lighten up and go book a great story idea with the media!”


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