
Use PR to get more traffic to your trade show booth

by | Mar 30, 2023 | Brand Awareness, Digital Services, Media Specialists, Pay Per Interview, Placement Examples

Example of PR for a trade show

Trade show exhibitors have only 60 seconds to grab attendees’ attention. Media Relations Agency ( uses PR to help our clients draw more traffic to their booths. Even better: These will likely be people already interested in what our clients are featuring and who are motivated to learn more. 

Trade PR primes the pump 

Ideally, you want your prospects to plan to visit your trade show booth even before the show starts. An article in a leading trade journal will: 

  • Create advance interest in what you will be promoting during the show 
  • Begin the process of educating your prospects about why your product is better than your competition’s 
  • Encourage prospects to add your booth to their agenda when they walk the trade show floor
  • Encourage prospects to contact you ahead of the show, to make an appointment to sit down with you at your booth 

When Fruit d’Or told us about plans to launch their new cranberry seed oil during an international trade show in Barcelona, we went to work. We contacted the trade media with strong key messaging. We knew that once editors understood the value of sharing this news with their readers, they’d be excited to run a story. 

This article in the national publication, “Cosmetics & Toiletries”, described this cranberry seed oil’s unique benefits as well as the advantages of working with Fruit d’Or. The company’s trade show booth number was also prominent in the first paragraph. 

Our price for this caliber of earned trade show media coverage is $1500. If you’d like to tap into our significant trade industry product promotion expertise, call us at 952-697-5269 or use this form to arrange to speak with one of our marketing strategists. 

Written by Media Relations Agency

Written by Media Relations Agency

Media Relations Agency is a full-service, hybrid agency that specializes in helping businesses tell their stories. Our 30+ years of experience in generating media-grade content gives us an edge. Who better to help you market your product than the agency whose work consistently passes the media’s stringent litmus test? It’s not always easy, but our content vaults over the media’s high bar several times a day.


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