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Why you (yes, YOU!) should be getting back-to-school PR

Be careful about pigeonholing back-to-school PR. After 35+ years of arranging product PR, we know that back-to-school media coverage isn’t limited to products targeting students.  Reporters and producers are always searching for fresh story angles.  They may be very...

Is your website still working for you?

It’s time to do your mid-year website check up. Our no-obligation website audit, performed by real digital marketing professionals (not automated scans) can give you peace of mind that your site is functioning well. Even better, our digital marketing experts will look...

Why can’t I quickly get media coverage?

One of the most common misconceptions about PR is that it should start happening quickly. The truth is that arranging media coverage takes time, tenacity and tons of experience. After arranging tens of thousands of media stories over the last 35+ years, Media...


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