Your website should be your hardest working marketing and sales tool. It is educating people and pulling them into the sales cycle 24/7. One question I hear frequently is, “How often should my company’s website design be updated?” There’s a short answer and a longer...
Would you like a feature article written about you?
Are you your town’s best-kept secret? Do customers and prospects know your name and all that you went through to become successful? One of the best ways to attract and keep customers is for people to feel a connection with you. A well-placed media story is an...
We have big news!
Media Relations Agency is pleased to announce that Checkerboard, an award-winning digital marketing agency, will merge with us, effective July 1, 2022. This integration gives you access to even more digital marketing talent. Our two companies have always worked...
When is it crucial to work with an experienced marketing agency?
How much money can you afford to waste on marketing that is never going to work? While fame and success take time, no one wants to throw money at strategies that are destined to fail before the first creative is developed. Hiring an experienced marketing agency is...
Are you burying the lead?
In professional journalism, to “bury the lead” means failure to emphasize the most intriguing part of a story. In content marketing, it equates to not drawing attention to information that will pull on people’s emotions and cause them to act. Media Relations Agency...
Every company needs a few good media stories.
You’ve no doubt walked into a business and seen a couple framed news stories in their reception area. If you’re been to a Five Guys burger joint, you’ve probably noticed they ring their walls with favorable articles about their restaurant. Every business should have...
What’s it like to work with Media Relations Agency?
It’s always energizing for us to welcome a new client to Media Relations Agency. We will cover a lot of ground in the first few weeks to ensure that your campaign is on point, and that we’re making the best use of your budget as well as our team’s capabilities. When...
Yes, we’ll train you how to update your website
Our clients love being able to post new website content themselves. It’s a huge timesaver. That’s one of the reasons Media Relations Agency builds our clients’ websites on easy-to-use WordPress. With this platform, you can update content, post blogs and make many...
Is your digital advertising giving you analysis paralysis?
Stepping up your digital advertising may be confusing. Perhaps you’re not familiar with all the terms and acronyms such as CPC, SERP, CRO and CPA. Or maybe the pages of data give you unpleasant flashbacks from high school algebra. If all the numbers and options are...
How to get more ROI from your videos
Demand for Media Relations Agency’s video production services is increasing. This is indicative of an industry-wide trend. In a 2021 Content Marketing Institute survey, 83% of marketers reported videos have become more important. Here are four things you should know...
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