
Guidelines for the best marketing content

by | May 18, 2023 | Company News, Content Creation, Content Marketing, Editorial Services, Social Media Marketing

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Your marketing content should be credible, informative and persuasive. Here’s something else to add to this list: it should be easy to repurpose. That’s not just to save you time, although that’s certainly important. Instead, it has to do with the Marketing Rule of 7.’s Media-Grade Content® is a great starting place for the best marketing content that’s also easily repurposed.


What is the Marketing Rule of 7?
This rule states that people must be exposed to your message an average of seven times before they feel moved to take action. Once, just repeatedly running the same ad in the same publication may have been sufficient. Not any more.

Marketing today is complex. People get their information from numerous sources. If your message is not consistent from one promotional channel to the next — and one platform to the next — your prospects may be confused. Instead of accumulating seven impressions, you may be starting over each time.

There’s a simple solution.

Our Media-Grade Content is written in such a way that our writers can repurpose (repeat) your powerful, informative messaging for articles, press releases, websites, blogs, social media posts, digital advertising, sales materials and more.


Media-Grade Content is based on decades of hands-on experience’s Media-Grade Content is based on our 35-plus years of arranging media coverage for our clients. We apply higher standards to our writing. We even use the media’s preferred AP style as our guide. This journalistic lens improves the impact and credibility of your marketing content.

Media-Grade Content is a great starting point for all of your marketing content because it is:

  • Interesting
  • Substantive
  • Worthy of your audience’s time
  • Relevant to their lives

In other words, people will be more likely to pay attention to your messaging and to trust it.’s writers are marketing experts who can increase your content’s value. Whether you need content for your blogs, newsletters, ads or website, try us first. Call us at 952-697-5269 or use this form to discuss your content writing needs. 

Written by Robin Miller

Written by Robin Miller

Robin will coordinate the writing for your newsletters, social media posts, website, blogs, newsletters and press releases. “I like interviewing clients and spokespeople, hearing their stories, getting to know their personalities and listening to how they phrase their thoughts,” she says. “It’s fun to transform what I’ve learned from those conversations into media-grade content.” Robin enjoys shaping content to ensure that the message will be clearly received. “When someone understands the relevance of what they’re writing and can position it properly for their audience, their work tends to be more convincing and on point. I’m fortunate to have a very diverse background, which gives me a good perspective whenever we bring on a new client.” An IABC- and Mercury-award winner, Robin says her practical experience in the health sciences has proven particularly beneficial as she interprets clients’ scientific information for mainstream media. “But it’s no longer sufficient to write well,” she cautions. “As marketers, we must now comply with the intricacies of digital marketing. That involves a whole set of rules, which are constantly evolving.”


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