We routinely helps our clients build their reputations so that they become even more influential and respected industry leaders. Becoming a credible authority doesn’t happen by chance. Media Relations works behind the scenes to build reputations and careers.
Our publicists are results-focused. We work one-on-one with reporters and producers to ensure that each media opportunity is in your wheelhouse and that the information you provide will serve the media’s audiences. Over the last 30 years of arranging media stories, we’ve learned that every media opportunity helps establish and grow our clients’ reputations.
In this FitSmallBusiness.com interview titled, Top 25 Creative Pizza Advertising Ideas from the Pros, Lonny shared advice from his six-step Strategically Aimed Marketing (SAM 6®) process. SAM 6 is outlined in his award-winning, best-selling book, The CEO’s Guide to Marketing. Specifically, he discussed Step 4: the schedule calendar.
“Your marketing calendar is a trusted guide to ensure you cycle through your company’s primary value points. Its purpose is to assure that you are delivering a constant and maximum flow of on-point promotional messages,” he wrote. “You need to figure out which products and messages should get the most attention at certain periods. Scheduling will keep your promotions organized and help with your budgeting.”
The more people notice your name associated with your industry, the more influence you will gain. But this kind of competitive advantage takes time to build. Right now, we’re using PR and other marketing strategies to help knowledgeable clients in multiple industries become trusted thought leaders. This has a halo effect of helping to solidify the positive reputations of their companies and products.
Media stories reinforce your audience’s trust in you as an industry authority. If we’re not currently working with you, let’s get started! Call us at 952-697-5269 or complete our contact form.