
White Papers

White papers matter.

White papers matter.

You’ve got very smart people in your company. They know your product and industry better than anyone! If you could just share some of what’s in their heads with the right prospects, you know sales would increase. That’s why white papers matter. They put high-value...

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Learn how a publicity campaign launched Breathe Right® nasal strips

Learn how a publicity campaign launched Breathe Right® nasal strips

Breathe Right is a well-known national brand that wasn’t always so famous. Download our free paper to get a behind-the-scenes look at the publicity campaign that helped make this national brand an American phenomenon. In addition to explaining the strategies behind Breathe Right’s success, we’ll give you a free Mediagenic Analysis so you can see how we use publicity to boost brands.

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10 Tips for Getting the Most from Your PR Dollar

These tips are designed to help you get the most out of your public relations dollar. If you just did interviews and left it at that, public relations would still be a wise marketing investment. But there are many ways to leverage your media interviews for your maximum advantage. A completed media interview is a tool that can be used again and again.

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17 Pointers that will make you look like a media pro

I doubt there is another public relations firm anywhere that books as many interviews as we do at Media Relations, Inc. When our staff members give you their advice, it’s as practical as you can get. I’ve asked them to come up with common mistakes they have seen our clients make while interviewing and show you how to avoid the same pitfalls. If you follow their simple suggestions, you will have more successful interviews.

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7 reasons for creating a basic digital marketing program

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Why your digital content strategy must focus on authenticity

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Avoid these five common PR mistakes

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