Months before his best-selling book “The CEO’s Guide To Marketing” earned the Axiom Business Books Silver Award in Marketing, CEO Lonny Kocina sat down with Forbes Books Radio host Gregg Stebben to discuss who will benefit from reading it. This interview aired in 200...
Company News
Thanks! This award is a huge honor.
Lonny Kocina’s best-selling book, “The CEO’s Guide to Marketing” was just recognized as one of the year’s best business books. It earned the Axiom Business Books Awards silver medal in the Advertising / Marketing / PR / Event Planning category. The Axiom Awards are...
How to stretch your marketing budget
If you’re concerned about getting the most bang out of your marketing efforts, you’re going to love what I told Home Business Magazine’s Richard Henderson during a recent podcast interview about my best-selling book, “The CEO’s Guide to Marketing.” I described three...
We take the risk with Pay Per Interview media coverage
What really makes people want to buy a product or service? When a person hears from influential friends or the media that a product is worth trying, they are much more likely to actually give it a shot. So how do you get the media talking about your product? Media...
Special pricing! Introducing SAM 6 training for results-driven marketing
Your 2018 marketing can be laser-focused on producing campaigns that boost sales. Media Relations is excited to introduce Strategically Aimed Marketing (SAM 6®) Training, based on Lonny Kocina’s best-selling book, “The CEO’s Guide to Marketing.” Please take advantage...
Lonny Kocina tells national audience how to leverage marketing dollars
We’re impressed! During this Forbes Books interview, broadcast on 200 radio stations nationwide, CEO Lonny Kocina did a great job describing how Media Relations Agency is different from other PR agencies, and why his best-selling book, “The CEO’s Guide to Marketing”...
Learn a great marketing process and help Depart Smart
For me, a big part of Christmas is reaching out to help others. From December 17 through 31, I am donating $1 from every copy of “The CEO’s Guide to Marketing” sold on to the nonprofit, Depart Smart. If you’ve not yet ordered your copy, please consider...
Just arrived! The CEO’s Guide to Marketing
Order your copy of the most practical marketing book you will ever read at There’s a lot of excitement at Media Relations Agency today! We just received 3,000 copies of CEO Lonny Kocina’s new book, “The CEO’s Guide to Marketing” and we are thrilled because...
How to get your business noticed in the media
A few days ago, I had the pleasure of speaking at the Encourage Her Network’s Signature Luncheon about how to get noticed in the media. I jumped at this opportunity to tell women business professionals that publicity is a cost-effective way to keep their products...
I love talking about marketing
I began as a commercial artist and was quickly promoted to marketing director at a company with sales in the hundreds of millions. That was back when people could still smoke in the office and no one had a computer on their desk
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