Recent posts by Sallie Crowl

Strategic marketing can net you creative placements
In some cases, just putting your name out there isn’t enough. Marketers have to be more and more creative with how they publicize their products by using strategic marketing. That’s what happened when I booked a story for our client, Pyure Organic Stevia, on WGN Chicago’s morning news.
Use your hometown media opportunities to gain national impact
Every business has a rich story to tell. Media publicity goes a long way in giving your company credibility. But most people overlook the best way to build more national recognition: taking advantage of hometown media opportunities. Our team feels so strongly about...Your PR and marketing can include stories like this
People often go to a business for more than a product or service. They seek expertise and advice. Media coverage shows consumers you provide this. A television news segment I arranged for our client, JMC Retail, showcased our client’s knowledge and made 51,700 impressions. We can help you get news stories like this for your PR and marketing.
How trade media coverage can help you promote your product
People read trade publications in part to learn what’s new and relevant that might make their business life better. If you sell B2B, trade media coverage is an effective way to promote your product. This Candy Industry article that I arranged for our client, the Malaysian Palm Oil Council, reached 13,501 confectionery industry professionals. The article gave our client the opportunity to weigh in on a timely issue.