
What’s the best publicity strategy?

by | Apr 21, 2022 | Advice & Tips

When should you seek publicity for your business? - Tv, newspaper and magazine

If you want to draw more attention to your product or service, what is the best publicity strategy to use? After more than three decades of conducting successful product publicity campaigns, our Media Relations Agency team knows what works and what doesn’t. Here are five things to remember. 

Why publicity is your marketing foundation 

Media coverage is like the biggest jewel in a crown. It’s the backbone that supports the other media types. It’s the third-party filter that tells buyers a product has been vetted by people they trust. It’s worth their time to listen to what’s being said whenever they come across a conversation about your product.

The best publicity strategy takes these five elements into account

    1. It tells a relevant story. Consumers easily block ads, but it’s hard for most of us to escape seeing a well-crafted publicity story. This requires strategic pre-work such as clearly identifying your value points, target market variables and points of differentiation. (All elements are covered with our Strategically Aimed Marketing system.) We’re drawn in by a compelling headline or the teaser prior to a TV segment. We stay engaged because a good media story addresses everyday problems in a relatable way. We don’t click off the page (or leave the room) because we want to know what the trusted expert says is the solution: our clients’ products! 
    2. It is implemented by publicists and strategists who understand how the media works. A consistent flow of good publicity is not always easy to achieve. When you first start out, chances are good the media hasn’t heard of you. They’re not pounding down your doors for interviews. They have to be convinced to do stories about you. We’ve arranged tens of thousands of product news stories. With our Pay Per Interview® model, our clients are guaranteed media coverage for their money. 
    3. It has sufficient breadth. This is called an undifferentiated marketing strategy. You want people to see your stories whether they are catching up on regional news or educating themselves on subjects related to your product. You’ll also reach thousands of people with even a small media story. Incidentally, that’s why dollar for dollar, publicity is cheaper than advertising and it yields longer term results.
    4. It includes an amplification plan. It may take a while to earn national media coverage, but that doesn’t mean your local and regional stories can’t have national reach. Reposting media coverage on your owned channels (website and social media pages) can extend its reach. Likewise, digital advertising linking to the amplified media placement will remind people about the PR stories they’ve seen about your product.
    5. It gives you a paid content option. Sponsored content and native advertising are great ways to have a controlled marketing outreach. These play a supportive complement to earned media, and can help boost your company/product visibility and increase brand recognition. 

Does your current publicity strategy have all of the necessary elements to make it successful? Do you have questions about prioritizing your PR tactics to stay within your budget? Let’s chat about which options are available and which may make the best sense for your situation. Call us at 952-697-5269 or use this form to schedule time on our calendars. 


For more great marketing advice, check out The CEO’s Guide to Marketing!

Written by Matt Hentges

Written by Matt Hentges

We can feel the energy go up a few notches when Matt is around! He immerses himself in a conversation, eager to learn all he can and genuinely curious to discover how he might be able to help. “My favorite part of my job is talking with new people and trying to find a connection or potential synergy,” he acknowledges. Matt keeps things light and fun, especially when discussing one of his favorite subjects: marketing. He enjoys his role in moving a project to the next stage, which is applying our Strategically Aimed Marketing process. “I’m like the little kid who asks “why?” over and over, and SAM 6 gives reasons to the “whys” in marketing.” As Matt channels his boundless energies into helping businesses make smarter use of marketing tools, he relishes being part of a team that capitalizes on each other’s strengths. “We have a wonderful business model that more than fills a unique niche within the publicity industry. We are truly marketing and publicity experts with many seasoned years behind our goal-driven agency.”


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