Your media coverage should be posted on your Website and mentioned in your social media conversations. It’s a great way to keep your online presence fresh and dynamic. If you’ve done broadcast interviews, consider posting them on your site and/or on YouTube.
Be creative! After you’ve been interviewed, pull a short, dynamic quote from the interview and use it as a graphic element by blowing it up and setting it off in color, like they do in magazines.
If you’re interviewed face to face, don’t forget to take pictures. Even candid shots of the interview as it takes place can be a great way to draw people into the story.
Robin will coordinate the writing for your newsletters, social media posts, website, blogs, newsletters and press releases. “I like interviewing clients and spokespeople, hearing their stories, getting to know their personalities and listening to how they phrase their thoughts,” she says. “It’s fun to transform what I’ve learned from those conversations into media-grade content.”
Robin enjoys shaping content to ensure that the message will be clearly received. “When someone understands the relevance of what they’re writing and can position it properly for their audience, their work tends to be more convincing and on point. I’m fortunate to have a very diverse background, which gives me a good perspective whenever we bring on a new client.”
An IABC- and Mercury-award winner, Robin says her practical experience in the health sciences has proven particularly beneficial as she interprets clients’ scientific information for mainstream media. “But it’s no longer sufficient to write well,” she cautions. “As marketers, we must now comply with the intricacies of digital marketing. That involves a whole set of rules, which are constantly evolving.”