In professional journalism, to “bury the lead” means failure to emphasize the most intriguing part of a story. In content marketing, it equates to not drawing attention to information that will pull on people’s emotions and cause them to act. Media Relations Agency follows processes that prevent us from burying the lead. Ever.
You can probably remember a time when someone exclaimed: “I have something important to tell you!” Then they talked for several minutes before getting to the point. By that time, maybe you were still paying attention. But they’d probably lost your full focus.
Burying the lead in content marketing is a common mistake. It can cost you missed promotional opportunities because others don’t see the value of sharing your story. It can also cost you sales.
Here are two safeguards Media Relations Agency has in place to prevent our clients’ leads from going missing.
- Our Strategically Aimed Marketing processes. At the start of any campaign or project, our certified marketing strategists spend time thoroughly understanding and prioritizing a clients’ value points, points of differentiation and other variables that will make our marketing content compelling to the target audience(s). That information is communicated to our entire team, and referenced frequently as materials are produced. As important, these variables are consistently reviewed and updated to ensure we stay onpoint.
- Our Media-Grade Content® process. Our Media-Grade Content is written from the media’s perspective. Our standards are set high. Everything written or edited for our clients’ releases, articles, blog, social media, website, emails and collateral materials would pass journalists’ stringent litmus tests. This lens improves the impact of our marketing content, and gives audiences stronger reasons to engage with our clients.
To excel at any craft or skill, you must first master the basics. The ability to tell a clear, compelling story is the essential foundation of all good marketing.
Media Relations Agency is a trusted product marketing agency with more than 30 years experience. We can ensure you are communicating the right information, in the right way, to your customers and prospects so your business can grow.
Call us at 952-697-5269 or use this form to learn more about all the different ways we can help you tell your story.
For more great marketing advice, check out The CEO’s Guide to Marketing!