How much money can you afford to waste on marketing that is never going to work? While fame and success take time, no one wants to throw money at strategies that are destined to fail before the first creative is developed. Hiring an experienced marketing agency is crucial because you want smart decisions and you want results.
For nearly 35 years, Media Relations Agency has represented companies and products from around the world. In the beginning, we had to be fast learners. Afterall, we pioneered performance-based Pay Per Interview® publicity, guaranteeing media coverage. We were also among the first agencies to add internet marketing to our services.
With each decade, we’ve remained at the forefront of marketing by staying nimble, staying alert and working within our own proven system – Strategically Aimed Marketing – that is grounded in the marketing concepts and principles other agencies may not understand, or may have lost sight of.
What does all of this mean for you? It means we understand when your message can be more commercial, and when being too product-centric will be a death knell to what you’re trying to accomplish.
We understand when to start the groundswell of interest in the trades, when a consumer campaign is more expedient, and how to harness the power of both simultaneously.
We understand what to say and the most appropriate way to say it, whether that’s through media coverage, videos, social media and/or a robust influencer program.
We understand the mechanics of online storefronts and how to add the sizzle that will make products stand apart from the competition.
We understand the power of making and nurturing connections. We’ve found this to be especially true in the health and natural products industry, where identifying synergies and trends can be especially fruitful for everyone involved.
Young, raw talent can be a wonderful thing. But marketing strategists and creative talent (and presumably marketing agencies, if they last long enough) typically have growing pains before hitting their stride. Working with an experienced agency enables you to bypass the learning curves. Call me at 952-697-5210 or use this form to set up a meeting with me.
For more great marketing advice, check out The CEO’s Guide to Marketing!