
Who should endorse your product?

by | Nov 13, 2018 | Advice & Tips

Who should endorse your product

If you want the greatest engagement and most potential impact on sales, you need to get the right people talking about your product. While a lucky few may win the promotional lottery by having a certain high-profile duchess photographed with their product, most businesses should be using a well-orchestrated publicity campaign. That can result in a steady stream of what Media Relations Agency calls endorsements on steroids.

Most of our buying decisions are influenced by people we trust and can relate to. We invite the media into our lives daily. We feel like we know our local TV news reporters personally. We look to our favorite print and digital media for stories relevant to our lives. We trust them to do their research and bring us reliable, actionable information. When they interview guests, we know it’s because those guests’ credentials are solid.

Media Relations Agency can get you into these conversations. We call media coverage endorsements on steroids because the audience already trusts what the media is about to say before they say it. Even better: After these credible third-parties say good things about your product, you can share their stories on your blog, in your social media streams, in your presentations to stakeholders and prospects, and your newsletters to customers.

Media Relations Agency has been arranging media coverage for our clients for more than 30 years. We pioneered the Pay Per Interview® pricing model to guarantee that our clients always get media coverage for their money. Having some skin in the game has made us smarter than other agencies. Hype won’t work. Fluff won’t work. Proven PR strategies based on solid marketing concepts and principles … now THAT works.

Who should endorse your product? The media should be at the top of your list. We can make that happen. Call us at 952-697-5269 or complete our contact form.

Written by Heather Aarre

Written by Heather Aarre

Post-it notes should have been part of Heather’s stock portfolio. “I should have invested in them when they were first invented,” she confirms. “I would have a nice little nest egg set aside with the amount I use daily.” Heather is an achiever and arranger who loves to make lists and check tasks off when complete. “I think that’s what makes an account service professional effective.” Heather knows that details and being proactive are key to a successful campaign. “You can’t be afraid to take initiative and you must pay attention to details; catch the little things that are mentioned in meetings that tell you how you need to move forward. That is how I contribute to our overall client satisfaction.” Heather also enjoys keeping on top of the technology that supports our clients’ needs. For example, she says, “YouTube is continually changing its platform, so staying knowledgeable about what they offer, and how to actually upload a video with the latest available for the client now has become a checklist item, too.” She confirms, “Organizing multiple layers of details is my favorite part of my job.”


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