
7 reasons for creating a basic digital marketing program

by | Oct 15, 2024 | Digital Marketing, Digital Services

Marketing professionals hands working at a table on computer, graphs and writing

People can have short memories. For example, it doesn’t take long to forget about a celebrity who is out of the public eye. The same thing can happen to products. Unless you stay top of mind, buyers may move on to a more highly visible product. A basic digital marketing program, one that works hard for you day in/day out, can build a strong online presence and drive growth.

Basic doesn’t mean you’re locked into a cookie cutter program  

Consider us your marketing assistant. Media Relations Agency’s certified marketing professionals can help you create an ongoing digital marketing program that increases your reach and messaging frequency, without being a huge drain on your time or budget. 

Some basic digital marketing strategies should be ongoing to get the maximum impact. But we understand that other tasks pop up from time to time, and they are just as important. So we will give you flexibility within your simple flat, monthly rate. 

Do you need digital ads created? How about a landing page? Trade show materials? We can write and post blogs and socials. We can create infographics. We can source images. We can even write, format and send newsletters. Whatever your day-to-day digital marketing campaign looks like, we’ll make sure your messaging is consistent, accurate and onpoint.

(If your needs occasionally extend to something more extensive or complex, we can provide you with an estimate for our premium marketing support.)

7 benefits of having Media Relations Agency create and manage a basic digital marketing program for you 

  1. You’lll have a consistent online presence across multiple channels and platforms
  2. The increased brand awareness will help you stand out from your competition 
  3. Improved search engine rankings typically mean more website traffic 
  4. More effective lead generation may result in higher sales 
  5. High-value content enhances customer satisfaction and trust
  6. You’ll have the flexibility of having a variety of basic marketing strategies and skills are available to you within your pre-established monthly budget
  7. You’ll have a strong competitive advantage over competitors who may not be as engaged online 

Clients love our simple, flat monthly rates 

You deserve to know how much to budget each month for basic marketing services. That’s why we offer simple, flat monthly rates starting as low as $3,500 a month. Let’s talk about the monthly budget that will best fit your basic day in/day out digital marketing needs. Call us at 952-697-5269 or use this form to start the conversation. 

Written by Jason Kocina

Written by Jason Kocina

Jason is our chief digital marketing strategist. Clients love him because he’s amazing at explaining complex ideas and concepts to non-technical people. In fact, Jason has been teaching businesses how to turn their websites into profit centers since 1995. He feels most invigorated when he’s helping clients use digital media to distinguish themselves from the competition. Jason is one of those rare people who can effortlessly interpret how digital changes are likely to benefit or hinder a marketing program. Using his extensive experience in design and web development, he can quickly review any scenario and determine how best to help a client.


What We Do

  • Publicity

  • Website

  • Advertising

  • Social Media

  • Creative

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